Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

Announcing my February Empowerment Class!

I’m so excited to announce my February Empowerment Class is based on the book A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle! This book was instrumental in my spiritual evolution and “waking up” to a new idea of life.

Being present was a new idea to me at the time, at least naming it as such, and I learned very quickly how to be present when life got stressful. At the time I lived next to 60 acres of woods, so I was often present with the trees and paths anyway, but the exercises Eckhart offered took me to a different level. Learning to listen to all the sounds of the woods and enjoy them just as a sound, without naming the source, brought me great satisfaction in just being in the moment.

There are so many lessons I continue to practice what I first learned in this book; I think Eckhart does an amazing job of explaining things like attachment and acceptance and loss, the ego, the inner and outer body, and what is ours to do now.

This is why I want to share it with everyone that is ready to move forward with their lives; let’s do it and move on!

Find out more and sign up here.

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Book Club Quotes – The Alchemist

“What’s the world’s greatest lie?” the boy asked, completely surprised.

“It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”

~The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

We never lose control of what is happening to us, but we lose the perception of having control over what is happening. Let me be clearer though – we can never control what another person does to us, but we can control our response and reaction, and thus the situation. Many people are unaware that there is a choice, that if we are being attacked in a physical, verbal or emotional way, that it requires a specific kind of response. But that’s not true. If it were true then everyone would react the exact same way to a specific stimulus, and we don’t. We are a product of so many things, including previous experiences, that we all experience the same event differently. This can be proven simply by asking four eyewitness what happened in an accident. There will be four different answers because they observe and report based on what is most important to them. The thing we need to try to understand is that what someone is doing to us is not about us, but about them, and although it may be very difficult and it feels like it’s about us, we must try to not take it personally. I realize this is not a quick or easy lesson to understand, but it’s worth the time to fully grasp it.

Back to the quote, losing control over what is happening and being controlled by fate is also about giving up, not believing we have a choice in how our future plays out. We do have a choice, and starting by understanding we have a choice in the moment leads us into understanding our perception shapes our future too. There are so many spiritual practices that can help with this; the one I want to share now is about writing your future.

Practice: You: the Novel. Consider a real situation you feel you have no control over. There is a good chance as you review this situation in your head, it never comes out in your favor. Let’s change that. Write down the situation, but as you’re writing it, write it in your favor. Change any details you need to change so you’re the winner, and feel the power of that! Really feel and imagine it as you write it, knowing that a new or different outcome really is possible. The situations you write about may not change immediately, but you will start to see unexpected outcomes, and as you continue this practice, things will begin to shift.

Here’s a video with more on the practice:

Create the life of your dreams!  Please let me know how writing your life works out.

The Automatic Truth


If you’ve ever felt like you don’t know how to get an answer on a pressing issue, or you are looking for some clarity, you might want to try automatic writing. I find it especially useful when I need a little direction, and some people use automatic writing as a regular practice. Whether frequent or occasional, automatic writing helps the flow of insights come to us in a way that our subconscious can’t filter out.

And it’s easy! It’s as simple as a pen and paper or a computer keyboard. My experience is that my flow from the Divine is interrupted less with a pen and paper, but if a computer is best for you, then you do whichever way is most comfortable.

The key with automatic writing is to never stop writing. The pen is always on the paper, or the fingers are constantly moving on the keys, no breaks.

If you’re new to this practice, start with 10 minutes. If you have a smartphone or home assistant, take a few deep breaths, then tell it to “set alarm for 10 minutes,” and go!

It’s best to know the leading question or phrase that you’ll start with, particularly if you do have a pressing question you want an answer to. When the timer starts, write out your question first, for example, “What is the next best action for me to take in my business?” and then never lift the pen up until the timer goes off. Don’t worry about punctuation, don’t dot your i’s or cross your T’s, no judgement of what you are writing, and don’t worry about how neat it is.

During the process, there should be no critical thought going on. Once you start with the opening sentence, just let it flow, no matter how ridiculous it might sound. Removing all thought about it really allows your Divine Wisdom to show up, so let it.

When you’re finished, take some more deep breaths, and if you need to, step away from your writing for a few minutes. Don’t step away too long, as you’ll want to reread and make notes on some of it before you lose the train of thought in the parts that are too illegible to read. Reading back over it, you’ll likely get some additional insights you didn’t even realize you wrote down!

This is really a good way to hear your deep Truth, so I recommend doing this frequently, especially when you’re in need of guidance.