Prosperity Game – How Much Can You Spend?


This is a fun, eye-opening, heart-opening game. Just imagine: what if all of your bills were paid for the next year and you still had $100,000 to spend, would you know what to do with it? Learning how much money you can spend is a great way to expand your money mindset beyond just getting by.

Many of us are conditioned to dream small. Even when encouraged to dream big, we think we’d be okay if we could just pay our bills and have a little left over, “That’s all I need” right? Do you know someone who has said that? Or maybe you’ve said it yourself? And we think that is big enough.

But I want you to see how big you can really go! This is a 30-day game that will surprise you just partway in how big you need to think. This is important though: if we can’t even dream it or imagine it, we can’t allow it in, so let’s go!
Start on day one with a blank checkbook, or at least a blank check register or spreadsheet – you will need to keep track daily. Use your real financial situation; applying this to your real life makes it that much more real and possible.
On day one, the Universe gives you $100 for free! Spend it however you want, but you must spend it all. Write it down in your check register.

Day two you get $200! Hooray! Again, spend it any way you want, and keep track of it.
Every day the Universe doubles what it gives you, so on day three you get $400, day four is $800, and so on. Every day you must spend it all.

By the end of one week, on day 8, you’re receiving $12,800, how have you spent your money so far? Has it been fun money? Maybe paid off some bills? We’re beginning to get into the big money now, so you’ll need to get more creative in your spending. And yes, you can give it away, buy things, anything you want. You just can’t save it, for that will stop the flow from the Universe in this game – whatever comes in must go out.

At the end of two weeks you receive $819,200 and you’ve received a total of $1,638,300. What did you do with it? Can you dream big enough to spend it? You know, some people really do get this much money in two weeks, and they really do get to spend it. And they are really no different, no more deserving, no smarter, no more entitled than YOU.

We all equally deserve it, but do you believe it? Every day as you go through this spending process, truly take it to heart. There comes a point that all of your bills and housing and leisure needs are paid for, so who do you help? A relative? A close friend? Non-profits? Extravagant travel? What do you want your money, and your heart, to support? Or maybe you even want to start your own non-profit?

There are two key points I hope you take away from this game, from this experience of connection:
First, be open to any amount of money. You truly have no idea where money can come from. You don’t need to determine the source of your money; that is up to God or the Universe. I’m always a little surprised to find another check in the mail from some unsuspecting source. Please be open and know that it can happen. We all deserve this.
Second, what does your heart truly desire? If you’re willing to spend money on it, is it something you should consider supporting/doing now? I’m sure you’ve heard this before: “If money were no object, what would you be doing?” For real, what does your heart desire, and does it require a shift for you?

Have fun with this! I’d love to hear your results.

The To Do List


This Spiritual Practice is perfect if you are overwhelmed and stressed out with how much you have to do. You may have heard the phrase “give it to God”? Well, in this spiritual practice you will literally assign tasks to God!

This is one easy way to help regain a sense of time and control in your life. Oddly enough it’s by giving up control that you can start to feel it again.

Here is how the Spiritual To Do list works, and if you have a current to-do list, take it out and let’s go through it!

First, take a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the middle, dividing it into two parts. At the top of one side write “Me,” and on the other side write “God,” or Holy Spirit, Universe, or whatever you are most comfortable with.

Now, go through your tasks for today and assign to yourself ONLY the physical things that you must do. Everything else goes to God. (See photo for reference.)

For example, you will have to physically make the sandwiches for lunch, so that goes under “Me.” Same with the grocery shopping and posting a video to Facebook.  However, you don’t have to try to decide what to write about next, so give that to God. You don’t need to figure out the next family trip – put that on God’s side. Now this is important: if information about the trip comes to you throughout the day, be sure to jot that down. Maybe someone at the store tells you how much they loved their last trip to some remote island, so make a note of it because that quite likely is God sending you a message about where to start looking for your vacation.

Maybe you need a home remodel contractor – that goes on God’s list to send to you; you don’t need to spend precious time trying to find a good one.

The tasks here are essentially split between physical, actionable steps – that’s you – and idea or lead generation – that’s God. Your job is also to be open to the signs and recommendations that appear, for if you miss that step, then you’ll have to take those to-dos back onto your side of the list. There is really no need to do that, so be aware and open!

Let life be easy; do only what is truly yours and turn the rest over to God!


Your Car the Temple

My Car is a Temple, Yes, my car is a temple for spiritual practices with my prayer beads!

I want to share these simple spiritual practices with you because I know firsthand that if life is feeling hard, and if you want deeper meaning or connection in your life, a spiritual practice can make all the difference.

This spiritual practice uses prayer beads, or malas. I always have one or two sets of prayer beads in my car. It doesn’t matter how many beads are on them – it can be 55 or 77 or 101 or 108…If there are fewer beads, you just do more circuits.

I love doing something like this in my car because I spend so much time in there; I might as well make the best of it. It certainly lightens the mood when stuck in traffic!

The four practices I may do are: Forgiveness, Blessings, Gratitude, or Affirmations. It’s completely random which one I choose; I just do whichever one feels best at the time. I get in the car, get situated, turn on the GPS and pick up my prayer beads, then ask, “What do I need to do?”

Typically, I do affirmations or blessings. But just the other day I was completely triggered by hearing about an old friend and their actions, so I knew the second I picked up the beads that forgiveness was in order!

I won’t get deep into specifics about each of these practices; they all have their own blog/video because they can be practiced so many different ways. So please be sure to see my other posts about forgiveness, gratitude, affirmations and blessings.

Back to the day of forgiveness – I picked up my beads and immediately started in “X – I forgive you and myself for being a bitch, I love you as I love myself, for God is the love I am.” Harsh, I know, but that was the only word I could seem to find for her actions.

I was only 3 or 4 beads in before the awareness of the times I was a bitch came to mind. That’s the thing about this practice, you’re fully admitting that if you see and are triggered by something in someone else, you have the trait alive in you – latent or active. And while I suspect most people wouldn’t call me one, there have been moments. And so, the work here for me is to find why I was. Where do I see that in me and what does it teach me about what kind of healing I need to do?

Recognizing it within me helps to find the place of compassion or understanding for the other person, and that’s where forgiveness starts.

In this case I was complete with this forgiveness practice within 15 beads. But that’s not always the case; it can take days or weeks for the awareness to arise and forgiveness to take over, so don’t be hard on yourself. Just keep at it.

All that work done while on a drive! No extra time out of my day, no sitting in meditation for hours.

Blessings, affirmations and gratitude practices with your prayer beads are equally as powerful, so please be sure to check out those specific blogs.

How could your life change if you started treating your car as your personal temple?

Journal for Love

One Spiritual Practice of Journaling

You’ve undoubtedly heard of the value of journaling before now, and I’m going to confirm that there are a lot of great things that can be accomplished by journaling. However, the kind of journaling I’m going to propose here is a little different than most in that it will focus on our connection with a piece of nature that we feel deeply connected to, and that want to learn why and how to take that out into the rest of our lives.

This is one of the practices we’ll be doing on my safari in Kenya; in fact, we may even be doing it as you read this! My safaris are not standard – see animal, take picture, move on – no, my safaris are about connecting with the land, the people and the animals for a meaningful experience.

To start this practice, think of something you love and feel connected to. It doesn’t have to be living; in Kenya any of the group might be focused on an elephant, lion, the vast Masai Mara or Mt. Kilimanjaro – just look for something that moves you. Art or Music can be good focus objects, too.

Write in your journal, “What do I like about you?” and give yourself plenty of time for the answer to flow. Don’t move on until you feel complete.

Then write, “Why do I love you so much?” Again, take plenty of time to answer.

You might be surprised at how different the two answers are as you allow yourself to contemplate deeply.

Next write, “Where else in my life do I find this love?”, then “Where do I want to find this love?”

The last question – “What do I have to do to allow this love there?”

That question is critical to allowing in the love that you want. You might have to release something, you might have to shift a behavior, you might need to forgive someone, so really allow it to sink in and fully engage in each question.

Imagine, if you can feel that deep of a connection with something already, shouldn’t you also be able to feel it in other areas of your life? What’s in the way? Maybe it’s time to allow more love in.

A Practice to Connect with All Life

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a spiritual practice in which you got to connect with the animals or the trees or the mountains of the world? There is! In fact, there are several. This is one that I will be leading my safari group through while I’m in Kenya in November.

My safaris are not simply “see animal, take picture, move on.” No, on my safaris we take time to connect with the land, connect with the animals, connect with the people. It’s a completely different experience than most safaris.

The great thing is, you can experience some of this anywhere you are, so I wanted to teach you just one way to connect with life as my group will. This is the short version, but it’s a great intro to the process.

What do you want to connect with? It can truly be any part of nature: a river, a mountain, a flower, an ocean, an animal – even your own pets. The object of connection doesn’t necessarily have to be in your field of vision, but it does help if it is.

Watching the connected video may make it easier to go through this process, but I’ll also write it in case you’re unable to watch the video.

Once you have your object of connection, close your eyes and take a couple of deep grounding breaths. Begin to feel your skin. What does it feel like from the inside? Take a few minutes with that, and then actually take one hand and run it over your skin – is it soft? Rough? Smooth? Cold? Dry? Warm? Take a few minutes with this. Then open your eyes and look at your object. Imagine touching its outer cover, whether it’s a skin, fur, bark, snow, leaves – what does it feel like?

After a few minutes, come back inside yourself. Can you feel the blood pumping through your veins and your heart? What does it feel like? Turning to your connection object, imagine feeling its circulatory system, whether it’s blood, water, or some other form of life. There is some kind of life force energy moving through all natural objects; can you feel it?

Back to yourself again, what emotions do you feel inside you right now? Happy, Peace, Tranquil, Joy, Excitement? Then connecting again with your object, can you feel what emotions it might be exuding? Even if you don’t believe the object has emotions, pretend it did – what would they be?

As a bonus, ask the object if it has a message for you.

I would love to hear of your experience with this, especially any messages you received.

Enjoy your connection with life; it’s truly magical!

Closing Your Day Well – How I Close My Day


My Bedtime Spiritual Practice

Is it important to have a spiritual practice at bedtime? I think so. I think it’s a good idea to close out the day with a clear mind and heart, so your sleep is more restful, which then makes for a better tomorrow!

So, I’m going to share what I do every night before bed. It doesn’t mean this is exactly what you should do; it’s just a way I feel good about ending my day.

These are not bedtime specific practices either; they are practices that I talk about in other blogs that have several types of practice associated with them and can be done anytime during the day.

My bedtime practice first involves recycling or reusing old pieces of paper or paper that otherwise might get tossed. It might be a used notebook with just a page or two left, an unused pad of paper or decent sized scraps of paper that are still blank. I keep these in a pile by my bedside along with pen and bins or bags.

The first thing I do is to clear out any icky stuff from the day, so my first practice is forgiveness. Who or what do I need to forgive? At this particular time, it’s not a deep practice, just an acknowledgement of ill feelings towards someone or something to allow the healing practice to start. It might be a person or group or animal or myself, and I simply write, “I forgive Mr. X for doing that thing he did that made me feel so disrespected.” I might even add an excuse for them, such as, “I know he was only trying to protect his ego.” And that’s it; I toss it in my forgiveness bag.

Once I clear those feelings out, I open to gratitude and appreciation. I write down everything I’m grateful for that day, especially the unexpected miracles of the day. I write down everything that comes to me, big or small, and then throw it into the gratitude bag.  I actually have a gift bag I use with the words “Thank you” on it that they go in!

Next are my successes of the day. This part is relatively new for me, but I’ve found it’s a great acknowledgement of my accomplishments, and it’s important to recognize when we do good. It doesn’t have to be big; it might be mowing the lawn or eating well or brushing my teeth, but if you did it and it’s good for you or someone else, recognize it!

Then I also do a “future gratitudes” practice, which is what I’ll be grateful for when my goals and dreams materialize. What do you want to be grateful for in one month? One year? Write it down now, help it along!

These go into a bag and then I’m ready for a sweet blessed sleep!

Every so often, I take these papers and do my own ceremonial fire. I offer the forgiveness papers up to be released forever, and the others to be blessed and multiplied throughout the Universe.

This isn’t a hard or time-consuming practice, but it’s another small step toward opening myself up to the greater life of my dreams. Is this a practice you can see yourself doing?