Book Club Quotes – The Alchemist

“What’s the world’s greatest lie?” the boy asked, completely surprised.

“It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”

~The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

We never lose control of what is happening to us, but we lose the perception of having control over what is happening. Let me be clearer though – we can never control what another person does to us, but we can control our response and reaction, and thus the situation. Many people are unaware that there is a choice, that if we are being attacked in a physical, verbal or emotional way, that it requires a specific kind of response. But that’s not true. If it were true then everyone would react the exact same way to a specific stimulus, and we don’t. We are a product of so many things, including previous experiences, that we all experience the same event differently. This can be proven simply by asking four eyewitness what happened in an accident. There will be four different answers because they observe and report based on what is most important to them. The thing we need to try to understand is that what someone is doing to us is not about us, but about them, and although it may be very difficult and it feels like it’s about us, we must try to not take it personally. I realize this is not a quick or easy lesson to understand, but it’s worth the time to fully grasp it.

Back to the quote, losing control over what is happening and being controlled by fate is also about giving up, not believing we have a choice in how our future plays out. We do have a choice, and starting by understanding we have a choice in the moment leads us into understanding our perception shapes our future too. There are so many spiritual practices that can help with this; the one I want to share now is about writing your future.

Practice: You: the Novel. Consider a real situation you feel you have no control over. There is a good chance as you review this situation in your head, it never comes out in your favor. Let’s change that. Write down the situation, but as you’re writing it, write it in your favor. Change any details you need to change so you’re the winner, and feel the power of that! Really feel and imagine it as you write it, knowing that a new or different outcome really is possible. The situations you write about may not change immediately, but you will start to see unexpected outcomes, and as you continue this practice, things will begin to shift.

Here’s a video with more on the practice:

Create the life of your dreams!  Please let me know how writing your life works out.

You: The Novel

What if you could write your life as you want it to be? Well, maybe you can! This is one of the practices I will be leading my safari group through while in Kenya this month. It’s a fun practice to do for anything, though. My safaris are not simply “see animal, take picture, move on.” No, on my safaris we take time to connect with the land, connect with the animals, connect with the people. It’s a completely different experience than most safaris.

Here is the practice:

You are the author of your life, so you’re going to sit down and write it out as if you’re writing a novel. This can be applied to any area of your life and for any period of time. You might want to script out the next meeting with your boss, or your next trip, or your next five years, it’s up to you – you hold the pen!

As you’re writing, pay attention to what you want to experience and how you want to feel. Don’t get caught in details, but rather the feelings and emotions.

For example, I might be writing right now, “As we head out on safari and the Jeep turns a corner, we see these fabulous, majestic, amazing animals. I am flabbergasted, I’m amazed and I am just so grateful. Before I know it, almost before I can catch my breath again, I see one of these other amazing animals walk right in front of us! I never thought I would be so close to these animals in the wild; I never thought these dreams could come true as fabulous as they are today! I feel like the luckiest person alive, no I am the luckiest person alive to be able to experience this right here and now, and I can’t believe how many more miracles have happened today on top of everything that we experienced yesterday!”

Concentrate on the feeling and experience.

If your boss called you into the office, it might go something like this – “As I sit down at the desk across from Mr. Jones, he seems to be looking at me differently. I thought he was going to ask me in here to tell me how bad I was doing but the words that are coming out of his mouth are all praise! He loves my last project! He’s talking about promoting me! I feel honored, I feel recognized and I feel appreciated.”

What do you suppose might happen if you scripted your life every day? Are you open to the idea that in one week, or one year, your life may have changed for the better? Is there any harm in trying it?

I’d love for you to try it for a week or two and let me know what happens. Just remember to put the emphasis on the feelings and the experience, after all, that’s what really matters: how you feel.

Create the life of your dreams!  Please let me know how writing your life works out.